Jimmy's Festival 2018. Day 1.
Jimmy’s festival. Day 1.
Were you at Jimmy’s Festival this year?? Great food and music and two scorching days. Featuring Paul Young, The Bluetones, Rory Hope and all that was happening front and backstage.
See if you can find yourself in any of the photos. Do get in touch if you’d like to buy an image.
Jimmy's festival 2018. Day 2
Jimmy’s Festival, day 2…..
Day 2. The second scorching day of the festival featuring Happy Mondays, The Lockerbillies and Bessie Turner!
Please get in touch if you’d like to buy any images.
Prince Charles at Jimmy's Farm
I photographed Prince Charles on his visit to Jimmy's Farm. The Prince of Wales spent the day learning about the work done at the farm to protect rare breeds of livestock by the newly appointed President of the 'Rare Breeds Survival Trust', Jimmy Doherty.

Harvest at Jimmy's Day 1
Day one of Jimmy's Harvest Festival.
Day 1. If you were there, see if you can find yourself!

Jimmy's Farm new menu shoot
New Jimmy's Farm menu.
Fun day shooting the new menu for Jimmy's Farm, featuring the talents of head chef Jon Gay.
Thanks to Issy Mcgovern for styling and assistance.

Jimmy's Magazine cover shot.
Continuing my ongoing collaboration with Jimmy and the farm, here is the latest cover of Jimmy's Magazine shot earlier this year.