Hockey Portraits at Framlingham College.
Hockey Team portraits Fram College, Suffolk.
Millie's 2nd Birthday Shoot! Rendlesham, Suffolk.
Millie’s Birthday Shoot.
Millie’s 2nd birthday was quite different from her first when we were all in the studio with a cake and wetwipes!
It’s been so lovely working with Ruth Liam and Millie over the years, from their Wedding to Birthdays and hopefully soon a Christening!
In the Autumn we met at Rendlesham Forest for a special shoot for Millie’s 2nd Birthday. I think we were all very happy to be out and about in the sunshine and Millie is a gorgeous little girl who loves to kiss trees and talk to wooden animals found around the forest (see below). She was so happy for the entire shoot and we got some great shots!
Morgana. Black and White studio shoot. Old Jet, Suffolk.
Morgana in black and white.
I love shooting in black and white and it always works so well in the studio with a dark background. Morgana and I had an amazing shoot a few months ago and tried a few looks from the classic to the more experimental. I love these classic portraits of her with just a one light set-up. Follow my instagram for more!

Amelia. Old Jet.
Amelia in the studio
Amelia came in to do some work shadowing a few weeks ago and she kindly took some profile photos of me which were long overdue. Afterwards I got her to sit for me and here are the results:

Annie. Portfolio shoot.
Annie model portfolio shoot…..
Amazing day working on a portfolio for Annie at my studio in Suffolk. We started in the studio and then used some of the abandoned buildings nearby to achieve a range of shots for her book.
I offer modelling and portfolio shoots for anyone who is interested so do get in touch if you’d like to book a session.

Robertsons Boatyard. Woodbridge.
Robertson’s Boatyard, Woodbridge.
I was asked in to take some photos of Robertson’s Boatyard in Woodbridge. They were updating their website and wanted some portraits plus some shots to show the working of the yard.

Jelly Green. Somerleyton exhibition promo shoot
Jelly Green at Somerleyton for Art for Cure
Rob Wyn Yates. Bedfords Magazine 2018.
Rob Wyn Yates. Bedfords Review…….
I can’t believe I didn’t post this last year when it was current! Sometimes I get quite behind with my admin and then things just get forgotten about. It’s a shame because this was a lovely shoot at home with Rob and Richard to go alongside an article in Bedfords magazine. Their cottage is lovely with a never ending supply of beautiful objects to photograph.
Rob’s website if you’d like to buy a piece of his amazing artwork:
Artist portraits for Art For Cure
Three Suffolk artists in their studios…..
Three artists in their studios shot for the forthcoming Art for Cure ‘She’ exhibition at Bankside London in October.
In order of appearance:
Dee Nickerson
Sarah Muir Poland
Sarah Baddon Price
Alice. Old Jet, Suffolk.
Session with Alice C. at my studio in Old Jet.

Jimmy's festival 2018. Day 2
Jimmy’s Festival, day 2…..
Day 2. The second scorching day of the festival featuring Happy Mondays, The Lockerbillies and Bessie Turner!
Please get in touch if you’d like to buy any images.
Eden and Sukey, portrait session.
Eden and Sukey
Sukey and Eden came up to the studio for a modelling portrait session together and it was a blast. We did a couple of changes of location and style and got some amazing shots. Thanks to both of you for being so easy to work with!
These sessions don’t have to be for anything in particular, just get a group of friends together, spread the cost and have a fun day being in front of the camera. They are available as gift vouchers too and make wonderful Christmas and birthday presents. Get in touch to find out more.

Kate Sheppard, yoga instructor, suffolk.
Kate in her studio……
Kate had just set up a home studio for her yoga class when I visited her in the summer - a beautiful, light and airy space totally conducive to relaxation!
I don’t do yoga and although I’ve photographed instructors 3 or 4 times now I’m still in awe as I watch them go through the positions. They make such good photographic poses! One day I will try it myself.

Jo Chapman, artist, Suffolk.
Artist in her studio…..
I spent a lovely morning with Jo Chapman in her Suffolk studio. Such a calming place with lots of beautiful things to look at, plus decaf coffee which is perfect for me!
Jo undertakes large scale public commissions with her work in locations as far afield as India. She has also had public work in France where she sometimes lives and in the UK her sculptures are commissioned to appear in parks, colleges, hospitals and new building developments.
Her latest project is a massive steel sculpture soon to be seen in the UK.

Silver Rocket Cafe
Silver Rocket cafe…..
I had a great day photographing Lise for the launch of her food truck, Silver Rocket Cafe which can be found in Framlingham square on market days and is available to hire for events. Go and find her for some delicious vegan food!

Tracey Waples. Author headshots.
Tracey Waples, Author…..
Photographs from a portrait shoot at Tracey's lovely home. Tracey is a writer with a book launching this year!

Freddy and Wren. Baby portraits.
Wren and Freddy.
Camilla and Annabel are friends and both came into the studio on the same day to have shots with their babies. First is Annabel and Freddy followed by Camilla and Wren. i don't do many baby shoots but these were so much fun and Wren was such a super happy bouncy baby. Freddy was old enough to be a bit overwhelmed by it all but with the help of some bubbles we got the shots we wanted in the end!

James Cartwright. Headshots.
James Cartwright, actor.
Did you know I do actors headshots from the comfort of my studio in Suffolk? Here is James Cartwright, award winning actor and current regular in Radio 4's The Archers who came in to update his portfolio last month.
Get in touch if you'd like to book your own session.

Alice Manning profile shoot.
Alice Manning profile shoot....
Last summer I worked with the beautiful Alice Manning on some publicity/profile shots. Alice is a beauty journalist and wears fab clothes. Here they are:

Sara and family. Summer 2017
Family portrait session....
I love getting asked to do family shoots, I don't advertise it as part of my remit so don't take them on very often but I'm going to change that soon. The day with Sara and her family is a good reason why - relaxed, informal, fun and fantastic hosts. We spent a couple of hours in their beautiful garden in Suffolk in the sunshine and here are some of the results: